Spell Check

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Spell Check

The integrated spell checker can help you find errors in your text. Just like in a normal word processor, BlogDesk will complain about unknown words. You may then change those words, add them to the dictionary or ignore the warning.


Start spell checking

You can start the spell checker using the Extras menu or the corresponding button (button_spellcheck). If you select one or several words, only those will be checked. Otherwise, the whole text and the titel get checked. In case of unknown words you can do the following:


The unknown word remains unchanged. If you choose Always, the word will be ignored in the whole text. This can be usefull with names which occur several times in the text.


When complaining about unknown words, the spell checker often makes suggestions. You can choose one of those suggestions in the list or manually edit the unknown word. If you press Always, all occurrences of this word within the whole text will be changed.

Add to dictionary

If you are sure that an unknown word is spelled correct, you can add it to a dictionary. The custom dictionaries are there for this purpose and can be activated or created in the options.



If a word is known or unknown depends on the used dictionaries. By default, BlogDesk is delivered with an English (US) dictionary, but you can add other dictionaries for different languages (German, French, Italien etc.). They can be used even simultaneous. You'll find those dictionaries on a separate download page.



While spell checking you can always change the options. You can access those options in the Extras menu as well.

Ignore words in UPPERCASE

Words with all letters in uppercase will be ignored.

Ignore numbers

Numbers will be ignored.

Ignore words with numbers

Words which contain numbers will be ignored.

Spell check before publishing

Starts the spell check before a post is published.

Dictionaries - Default

In this list you find the installed default dictionaries. Here you can activate dictionaries you want to be used when spell checking. Activating many dictionaries will slow down the checking process.

Dictionaries - Custom

While spell checking you can add unknown words to the dictionary. Here you can activate, create and delete those custom dictionaries.